

November 20, 2023
jupyter, python

Memory Usage # def memory(): with open('/proc/meminfo', 'r') as mem: ret = {} tmp = 0 for i in mem: sline = i.split() if str(sline[0]) == 'MemTotal:': ret['total'] = int(sline[1]) elif str(sline[0]) in ('MemFree:', 'Buffers:', 'Cached:'): tmp += int(sline[1]) ret['free'] = tmp ret['used'] = int(ret['total']) - int(ret['free']) return ret No Hang Up # nohup jupyter notebook --no-browser > notebook.log 2>&1 & Workaround: no cells output # se = time. ...

Install python packages offline

June 20, 2023
Utils, Tutorials
pip, python

1- Download packages locally using a requirements file or download a single package pip download -r requirements.txt ## Example - single package python -m pip download \ --only-binary=:all: \ --platform manylinux1_x86_64 --platform linux_x86_64 --platform any \ --python-version 39 \ --implementation cp \ --abi cp39m --abi cp39 --abi abi3 --abi none \ scipy 2- Copy them to the a temporary folder in your remote machine 3- On your machine, Activate conda and then install them using pip - specify installation options ...