Knowledge Base

Multi-module build based on sbt

March 15, 2024
Development, Documentation
scala, templates, development

import sbt.{Compile, Test, *} import Keys.{baseDirectory, libraryDependencies, *} // sbt.version = 1.6.2 ThisBuild / trackInternalDependencies := TrackLevel.TrackIfMissing lazy val welcome = taskKey[Unit]("welcome") val sparkVersion = "2.4.0-cdh6.2.1" val hiveVersion = "2.1.1-cdh6.2.1" lazy val commonSettings = Seq( //organization := "com.nnz", version := "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT", welcome := { println("Welcome !")}, scalaVersion := "2.11.12", javacOptions ++= Seq("-source", "15.0.10", "-target", "15.0.10"), libraryDependencies ++= sparkDependencies, resolvers ++= Seq("Cloudera Versions" at "", ) ) lazy val root = (project in file(". ...


November 29, 2023
latex, bibtex

BibTex # Limit number of authors in IEEEtran # In the .bib file configure your IEEEtran as follows: @IEEEtranBSTCTL{IEEEexample:BSTcontrol, CTLuse_forced_etal = "yes", CTLmax_names_forced_etal = "3", CTLnames_show_etal = "2" } Cheat-sheets # Overleaf, Bibliography management with bibtex Sébastien Merkel, Reference sheet for natbib usage LaTeX/Bibliography Management. (2023, June 5). Wikibooks. Discipline Specific Listings of BibTeX Journal Styles


November 20, 2023
jupyter, python

Memory Usage # def memory(): with open('/proc/meminfo', 'r') as mem: ret = {} tmp = 0 for i in mem: sline = i.split() if str(sline[0]) == 'MemTotal:': ret['total'] = int(sline[1]) elif str(sline[0]) in ('MemFree:', 'Buffers:', 'Cached:'): tmp += int(sline[1]) ret['free'] = tmp ret['used'] = int(ret['total']) - int(ret['free']) return ret No Hang Up # nohup jupyter notebook --no-browser > notebook.log 2>&1 & Workaround: no cells output # se = time. ...

VS Code Configuration & Set-up

November 17, 2023
Utils, Tutorials
git, ssh

Configuration # Remote SSH # Host machine Hostname User user_name IdentityFile path/to/ssh/key Remote SSH - SSH Tunnel # Host tunnel_machine Hostname User user_name IdentityFile path/to/ssh/key Host machine_after_tunnel Hostname User user_name IdentityFile path/to/ssh/key ForwardAgent yes ProxyJump tunnel_machine PC Configuration # Authorize your windows local machine to connect to remote machine. $USER_AT_HOST="your-user-name-on-host@hostname" $PUBKEYPATH="$HOME\.ssh\" $pubKey=(Get-Content "$PUBKEYPATH" | Out-String); ssh "$USER_AT_HOST" "mkdir -p ~/.ssh && chmod 700 ~/. ...

Run plotly in JupyterLab

October 24, 2023
Utils, Tutorials
jupyter, python-librairies

1 pip uninstall plotly 2 jupyter labextension uninstall @jupyterlab/plotly-extension 3 jupyter labextension uninstall jupyterlab-plotly 4 jupyter labextension uninstall plotlywidget 5 jupyter labextension update --all 6 pip install plotly==5.17.0 7 pip install "jupyterlab>=3" "ipywidgets>=7.6" 8 pip install jupyter-dash 9 jupyter labextension list Useful Links # What is Right extension for Plotly in JupyterLab?

Install python packages offline

June 20, 2023
Utils, Tutorials
pip, python

1- Download packages locally using a requirements file or download a single package pip download -r requirements.txt ## Example - single package python -m pip download \ --only-binary=:all: \ --platform manylinux1_x86_64 --platform linux_x86_64 --platform any \ --python-version 39 \ --implementation cp \ --abi cp39m --abi cp39 --abi abi3 --abi none \ scipy 2- Copy them to the a temporary folder in your remote machine 3- On your machine, Activate conda and then install them using pip - specify installation options ...

Running PySpark & Jupyter With Docker

June 8, 2023
Development, Tutorials
spark, docker, jupyter

Thanks to the Jupyter community, it’s now much easier to run PySpark on Jupyter using Docker. There are two ways you can do this : 1. the “direct” way and 2. the customized way. The “direct” way # verify your local settings are aligned with the pre-requisites to run this container, grosso modo make sure docker is installed, of course ! You have to have about 4 GB of free space pull image from docker hub https://hub. ...