Churn - Problem Framing #
Churn reporting #
What happened? (Inactive point of view)
- In general cohorts work good here: start with a small population of churners and follow them over time
- Clustering churners based on project and modeling bottom line
- Example of small population of churners => “Churners who generate more profits, churns who explicitly expressed their insatisfaction”: or choose another prioritization criterion
- Monetary retention rates (monetary churn)
- Reversed cohorts: start with the churn date (Month / Year) and follow the churners retrospectively
- Product / offers / segments cohorts
- Maybe change of nomenclature/perspective to make problem framing more accessible to other shareholders (Product Churn, Account Churn, Usage Churn…etc)
Why did it happen?
- Events that lead to customer churn (What are their existing pain points? Start with the possible obvious ones: bad customer service, non stop service, bad onboarding, no ongoing customer success plans, customers not using their accounts)
- What factors are driving churn? What are customer attrition rates? Does customer tenure differ for group A vs. B?
- Survival modeling (Cox, Nelson Aalen) -> Interpretable models, cohort comparison, time-specific predictions
Are there any returning customers?
- Why are they returning?
- What are the recapture triggers?
- What did they need to overcome their pain points?
- What are the return dates? Is there a trend? A seasonality? CLT Events?
- Do they have multiple churn dates? (are there any customers who churned after their return)
Churn inference #
- What kinds of models to test?
- classification methods
- survival regression methods
- latent probability models
- graph neural networks
- How test these models for accuracy?
- How often should the models be refreshed? What could be automated?
- How long before new user behavior is reflected in predictions? Is there a distinction that should be taken into account from business stakeholders? Can some model or label drifts be anticipated ?
- What is the process to incorporate new streams of data?
- Are predictions actionable at the individual user level or only as a coarse segmentation?
- How will predictions learn from implemented users retention actions?
- What is the lift seen when using churn predictions?
- How is that lift augmented after implemented users retention actions?
- What is the Probability Threshold? How was is set?
Churn monitoring #
- What is happening right now? (define indicators, metrics to monitor churn status)
- What is the monitoring frequency that we should be employing?
- Use descriptive models (not good for trend analysis, but good for summarizing what happened)
- Compare/monitor different time periods (Beta distributions models are good enough)
Adaptive churn analysis and prediction #
- Reactive churn management
- Rigorous A/B testing
- Rentention analysis (What really generates retention, Retention based on Customer value - define customer value in context and problem scope)
- Proactive churn management